Monday 19 February 2007

Royal Logistic Corps
Minimum starting age:
17 Years
Maximum starting age:
33 Years
Minimum service:
4 Years
To be a Pioneer you should be a sound steady character, reliable and adaptable in a practical sense. You should be able to accept discipline and not be afraid of hard physical work. Your career is divided between use of varied Pioneer skills such as basic engineering/artisan techniques and material handling. In war the RLC Pioneers provide military manpower and logistic support to all three Services on a variety of tasks worldwide. In peacetime you may serve in the UK, Germany, Northern Ireland, Canada or Cyprus, with the likelihood of participating in exercises in all of these, plus the USA, Africa, the Middle East and throughout Europe. The basic working unit is a troop of 27 soldiers who are organised into squadrons. Troops may work independently but are often attached to major headquarters or to units of other Corps for both peace and war. Your enhanced defence skills will be used to the full as part of a troop, which protects military headquarters and sensitive installations. Material handling can be conducted in a Base Depot or in the field, either by hand or by using modern mechanical handling equipment (MHE) such as Volvo or JCB rough terrain vehicles. If selected to train on this equipment you will be trained to LGV class 'C' driver. In wartime, your employment as a Pioneer may be extended from rear areas to the front line and could include duties such as supervision of civilian labour forces and a variety of engineering tasks, e.g. construction of field defences.
Education StandardFormal academic qualifications may not be necessary for this employment.
Personal QualitiesTo be a Pioneer you should be a sound steady character, reliable and adaptable in a practical sense. You should be able to accept discipline and not be afraid of hard physical work.
TrainingBasic TrainingEveryone who joins the RLC is first and foremost a fighting soldier and your career will begin at the Army Training Regiment, Pirbright which is situated near Woking, Surrey. During your 12 weeks of recruit training, you will learn military skills such as foot drill, how to handle and fire a weapon, how to live and work in the open, increase your stamina and fitness, and how to tackle an assault course. You will be stretched further than you thought possible and toughened up both physically and mentally. Having successfully mastered these military skills you will take your place in the passing-out parade in front of an invited audience of parents, relatives and friends. After completing your basic Military training you will attend a one week induction course at The Royal Logistic Corps Depot The Princess Royal Barracks Blackdown, Deepcut, near Camberley, Surrey. Here you will learn something about your Corps and its history.
Trade TrainingPhase 2 Pioneer skills training takes place at the Trade Wing Defence Logistic and Supply School, Deepcut and lasts 5 weeks. This phase is designed to train you in sufficient specialist skills to allow you to take your place in your first unit. Included are specialist preparation and wiring of defensive positions, scientific handling of essential combat stores.
Conditions of WorkMainly outdoors in all weather conditions in many parts of the world. Frequently arduous and demanding. In peacetime you may serve in the UK, Germany, Northern Ireland, Canada or Cyprus, with the likelihood of participating in exercises in one of these, plus the USA, Africa, the Middle East and throughout Europe.
Career StructureCareer prospects up to the rank of Warrant Officer Class 1 are excellent for go-ahead young men. Individuals with drive and intelligence are likely to achieve promotion quickly. Further infantry training at the School of Infantry, Brecon can qualify a Staff Sergeant for command of a troop of 27 Pioneers.
Follow-on TradesTrained soldiers may be selected for further training in one of the RLC's follow-on jobs or service in the Airborne or Commando forces, or as an assault pioneer.The trained Pioneer with a proven record of loyal service is valued for many types of civilian employment and a number of specialist training courses lead to the award of NCVQ / SVQs and relate closely to civilian qualifications and experience.